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Welcome ToRAU'AHU ROYAL DYNASTYاَلْحَكِمِيُّوْنَ


Hakimid Dynasty

Hakimids Family

Hakimids Family

بَنِيْ حَكِيْمBani–Hakim (Children of Hakim)

This website specifically dedicated to Bani–Hakim (Hakimids family), also known as Rau'ahu Royal Dynasty, or Hakimid Dynasty; a new family dynasty founded by Abdul Hakim Nooruddin Apani'ai. It is, in fact, a revival of the ancient Rau'ahu royal dynasty. The Rau'ahu monarchy ruling lapsed in early centuries with the mertyrdom of the last ruling monarch, Haimā'i Paina, during the battle of Hanuahansia. Now, the monarchy was revived and replaced by Sultanate system as a cultural institution in 2018 when Abdul Hakim Nooruddin Apani'ai was enthroned in distressed outer circumstances, in December 2018 (1436 AH). The sultanate is still continuing up to date.

You can also use our website for religious studies, especially on Islamic knowledge and other important factors as related to the religion.




Islam represents the pinnacle of religious evolution. Its teaching is based on the Unity of God and complete submission to His Will. Click here

Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi

Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and Mahdi


Born in 1835 CE, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian, was the  Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. In 1889, based on Divine revelation he established this religious Community. Ahmadis held him to be the long awaited Messiah (Jesus) prophesied about by Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Click here

Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir

Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir


Jesus Christ, son of Mary, in the islamic belief, was a great Prophet of Allah who was specifically sent for the reformation of the children of Israel. After surviving the crucifixion Jesus had to travel to the mountain kingdom of Kashmir where he lived and preached to the lost tribes of Bani Isra'eel. He died a natural death like any other human being do, at ripe age of 120 years old. Click here

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