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Islam in Solomon Islands

Sultan Hakim Apani'ai

Sultan Hakim Apani'ai

Brief History

By: Sultan Hakim Apani'ai


The history of Islam in the Solomon Islands can be dated back to the early centuries when Islam reached most of the Pacific islands. Islam had reached places like the islands of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, in the mid 13 century AD. Based on legends or custom story of certain group of people in Small Mala’ita (Highlands), probably Islam must have reached Solomon Islands, especially Small Mala’ita, in the pre–colonial era and even before the arrival of Christianity in the country. It is highly possible, based on observation, that some Mala’ita natives must have converted and practiced Islam in the early period; however, with time, later generations lost this faith totally.

The Sunni Muslim League reached Solomon Islands in probably 1980s, just before the arrival of Ahmadiyya in 1987, followed by Tablighi Jama’at in 1995 as a result of Da’wah efforts from members of Tablighi Jama’at. The Sunni Muslims have publicly differentiated from Ahmadi Muslims and claim to represent the “true” orthodox Islam. The Community claims to have more members than the Ahmadiyya Community. Today, there are two major Sunni denominations in the country — Ahmadiyya Jama’at and Tablighi Jama’at, which, on their arrival in 1995, replaced and succeeded the Sunni Muslim League.


1. Al-Hajj Hafiz Ahmad Jibreel Sayid, from Ghana, West Africa, (period: 1987, 1990 and 2011 – twice visit, on Tabligh missions).

2. Musa Bin Masran, from Malaysia, (period: from 2003–2005, and then 2008–2011, as Missionary In-charge).

3. Abdul Malik Adae, from Ghana, West Africa, (period: from 2005–2008, as Missionary In-charge).

4. Mumtaz Baidoo, from Ghana, West Africa, (period: from 2012–2015, as Missionary In-charge).

5. Sultan Hakeem Nooruddeen Apani’ai, from South Mala’ita, Solomon Islands, (period: from 2011–2012, as local Imam and trained Missionary student, and then from 2016–2018, as Missionary In-charge).

Apart from these Missionaries there were other Missionaries from Australia who, by the Amir’s instruction, had also visited Solomon Islands Jama’at. However, they were not posted as Missionary In-Charge but only there for one or two months and return. In 2017, Inam-ul-Haq Kauser, the Amir In-Charge, from Australia, also had the honour to visit the Ahmadiyya Jama’at Solomon Islands.


Islam Ahmadiyya first entered the country in 1987. It was first introduced by a Ghanaian Missionary, belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Maulana Al-Hajj Hafiz Ahmad Jibreel Sayid sahib, on a reconnaissance trip lasting three years, from 1987. While residing in Fiji, Hafiz Ahmad Jibreel sahib was working there as Missionary.

During his missionary tour of the islands Ahmad Jibreel sahib had visited Tuvalu as well, where he stayed for sometime, spreading the message of Islam and Ahmadiyya and meeting with other elderly peoples including late Loiala Katalake (father of Ahmad Muneeb Tasima), who had traveled to Tuvalu from Solomon Islands. Note that in Tuvalu, Loiala’s elder brother had already embraced Islam and it was he too who brought Islam Ahmadiyya to Tuvalu, and even translated the Holy Qur’an into Tuvalu language. Mr. late Loiala Katalake is said to have fully convinced by the preaching of Ahmad Jibreel sahib, and knowing that it was in Jibreel's plan to pay a visit to Solomon Islands, he quickly informed Jibreel sahib of his children who are in Solomon and gave him the address of the place, Kakambona, in west Honiara, where his family was living.

The first visit of Hafiz Ahmad Jibreel sahib to Solomon Islands was made in 1987. On his arrival in Honiara, the Capital City of Solomon Islands, which is located on Guadalcanal island, Jibreel sahib lodged at Panatina, in east Honiara. From there he started enquiring about the address given to him by Ahmad Muneeb’s father, Loiala Katalake; asking people about the location of Kakambona area. He, at last, managed to get to that place, where he met with Mr. Ahmad Muneeb Tasima and his elder brother, Mr. Abdullah Seremita, Jack Resture, Umar Bongi, Mahmood Taro and others more, having Tabligh discussions with them. According to Ahmad Muneeb sahib, at that moment, while doing his Tabligh, Hafiz Jibreel sahib quoted a Biblical verse (Isaiah or Habakkuk), which talks about...Median.... arrows, etc; proving that these verses actually talks about Prophet Muhammad (sa), and also removing such misconceptions about Jesus Christ – his so-called divinity and death on the cross.

Ahmad Muneeb and late Asad Noris (from Rassell island) were young at that time; both were school–mates and studying in High school; and it was in High school that their interest for Islam started to take root.

Jibreel’s preaching, according to Ahmad Muneeb, is really impressive and convincing, that, on one occasion Ahmad Muneeb and the other boy, Warren, had to go and meet Jibreel sahib at G–Club, asking him many questions about Islam, Christianity, etc; and without satisfying both went back. However, next time, both persuaded him again, while he was living at Kukum Compass. From Kakambona to Kukum Compass, they walked on foot, just to debate and enquire more about Islam and asking questions to their satisfaction; one of the many questions they asked is concerning the statement of Jesus – when he was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil, why was he saying, “You shall not put the Lord your God to test” (Matthew 4:7, Luke 4:12, they understood the verses to mean Jesus is God) – to which Jibreel sahib gave a satisfactory answer. Then he told Ahmad Muneeb to come back the following day. So next day Ahmad Muneeb went again to him and while discussing, he told Ahmad Jibreel sahib about his relationship to Abdullah Seremita as biological brothers, and that it was their father, Loiala Katalake, who directed him to pass them the message of Islam. Before he left, Jibreel sahib also purchased a boat with engine for Abdullah Seremita, mainly for fishing. This, in fact, is how this people became Muslims in the beginning! Through Tabligh activities Jibreel sahib was able to draw a handful of converts to Islam, after which he left the country.


The situation at that time is however challenging for the new community, as their knowledge of Islam and Ahmadiyya is not that matured. They do not know what Ahmadiyya is, or whether there is difference between Ahmadiyya and other Muslim sects. This state of ignorance led to another interesting factor of this history; that, Mr. Mahmood Taro and Ahmad Muneeb went and joined the ‘Sunni Muslim League’ and established an administrative Centre at Mbokona Vera in central Honiara, where the new converts go and meet, and offering prayers. They were deeply influenced by the Sunni Muslims that in those days both would travel overseas; Ahmad Muneeb to Fiji and Mahmood Taro to Malaysia. Later, both traveled to New Zealand. Mr. Mahmood Taro then became the first National President of the Sunni Muslim League in Solomon Islands.


Again, Hafiz Jibreel sahib visited Solomon Islands in 1990, to check the condition of this tiny community. Unfortunately, on his arrival he found that these new converts had already joined the Sunni Muslim League, Centred at Mbokona Vera. Jibreel sahib quickly met Mubashir Martin Rasu (an engineer with the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority – SIEA), who would then accompany him during his visits and Tabligh programs at Kakambona and other places in Honiara. Jibreel sahib lodged at Panatina, and from there he would go for visit at Kakambona, being accompanied by Mr. Mubashir Martin Rasu. To revive the community he consulted with the new converts and urged Ahmad Muneeb sahib to accompany him to Kiribati for further study; that he might learn more about Islam and Ahmadiyya. After a short while, Hafiz Jibreel sahib left for Kiribati and also took Ahmad Muneeb along with him. According to Ahmad Muneeb Tasima, while in Kiribati, both him and Jibreel sahib would often go out for Tabligh purposes, preaching the message of Islam and Ahmadiyya house to house. At times Hafiz Jibreel sahib would relate his inspiring experiences to him; in other words he learn a lot from Hafiz sahib. Ahmad Muneeb stayed with Hafiz Jibreel sahib in Kiribati until the latter left for Ghana.

After Hafiz Jibreel sahib had left, Ahmad Muneeb sahib then stayed with yet another Ghanaian Missionary, Umar Farooq, at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Centre in Kiribati while doing his study. Sometimes, the Sadr sahib (National President) would invite Ahmad Muneeb sahib to spend sometime with him, after which he would go back to the Centre.

However, after completing his study, Ahmad Muneeb sahib returned to Solomon Islands in the early 1990s. On his arrival he consulted with his brother, Mr. Abdullah Seremita sahib, Mr. Mubashir Martin Rasu sahib, and other new converts, to establish Islam Ahmadiyya in the Solomons. From that time they would hold meetings, sometimes at Kakambona and then at Mr. Mubashir’s resident at Number 3, China Town.

In fact, after Hafiz Jibreel sahib had left, the community continued to flourish and practice their faith for a period lasting over half a decade, without a Missionary, and with no external contact from members of the International Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.


Note that a report was sent by Maulana Al-Hajj Hafiz Ahmad Jibreel Sayid sahib to Wakalat-e-Tabshir (Department of Tabshir) in London, UK, about these new Ahmadi converts. Later on, the same report is forwarded to the Respected National Amir of Australia for further assistance and supervision of the new community.

In May 2001, under the instructions by the late Amir Mahmood sahib of Australia, Musa Bin Masran from Malaysia, was first sent by Jama’at Ahmadiyya Australia, as a Missionary to Solomon Islands; that was during the ethnic tensions between the two islands of Mala’ita and Guadalcanal. The purpose of this visit was to look for these new Ahmadis who had scattered throughout Honiara and other islands.

Musa Bin Masran spent about six months in the islands during his first and second visits, from March to July, then August to November in 2001. In Honiara he quickly met Mr. Mubashir Martin Rasu, Mr. Ahmad Muneeb Tasima, Mr. Abdullah Seremita (elder brother of Ahmad Muneeb), Mr. Mahmood Taro and Mr. Abdul Ghafur; later he also met Mr. Abdus Samad Christopher Narasia. Note that these were the Muslim pioneer in the Solomon Islands.

That six month period in 2001 was occupied with establishing and building the Ahmadiyya community. New converts started coming and joined the small group as they made progress in Tabligh activities. More people, young and old, from different parts of the country entered the community. Later, people from South Mala’ita, Savo, Rassell and the main island Guadalcanal accepted Islam Ahmadiyya.

During those days Jama’at was still not registered. It was not until March or April 2003 that Jama’at finally registered as an Organisation, with the name, ‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Registered Trustees Incorporated’, after which Musa Bin Masran sahib left for Australia. The mission Centre is located above Honiara Hotel and above the Assembly of God Church.

The Ahmadiyya community is also established in other provinces in Solomon Islands; these include North and South Mala’ita (Mala’ita Province), Vela La Vela in the Western Province, and Nangu in Temotu Province. The community is gaining more friends among the Melanesian, Polynesian and Micronesian peoples.

On 6 January 2004, Musa Bin Masran sahib returned to Solomon Islands. He spent three months there, then left the country before finally getting clearance and permanent residence from the Solomon Islands Immigration and Labour Department in Honiara.

In June 2004, Musa Bin Masran sahib again returned to Solomon Islands. It was a challenge for the new community, and until all paperwork came through and the community was recognised, there were many problems. In those days, a great deal of time was needed to re-establish the organisation and the community. The Solomon Islands has long been home to many established churches, most of whom had come to the Solomons in the early 20th century.

In 2004, despite all this problems, a series of Tabligh programs were held such as pamphlet distribution, publishing articles on Islam Ahmadiyya in Newspapers and also getting interviews from Solomon Star and the Solomon Islands Radio Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC).

After this, the Ahmadiyya Mission Centre at West Kola Ridge in Honiara, was more openly visited by youths, students, teachers, church leaders, politicians, journalists and chieftains, who either came as individuals or in groups. The community now has many influential and helpful members.

As a result of which the Community grew to approximately 1000 (?) members. The Community is headquartered in Honiara, the Capital of the Solomon Islands, and is present in the villages of Guadalcanal, Gnella, Savo, Russell, Rennell, Temotu and Mala’ita islands. Missionary Musa Bin Masran was posted twice to Solomon Islands (2003—2005, then 2009—2011).





Based on legends or custom story of certain group of people in Small Mala’ita (Highlands), probably Islam must have reached Solomon Islands, especially Small Mala’ita, in the pre–colonial era and before the arrival of Christianity in the country.

The story is that, there was a ship landed ashore at a place called Su’umapo (..) on Small Mala’ita. While strolling along the coast of Su’umapo they lost two of their children, a boy and a girl. When they embarked the ship they discovered that they had lost two of their children. They then came out of the ship and start searching for them — until when they discovered a crocodile footprint along the river of Su’umapo, they finally conclude that it might be this crocodile that ate their children. With no other option they returned to the ship and left. Later, when the children returned, they discovered that their ship had gone. Both ran up the mountain to look for the ship but could not see anything. On the mountains they discovered a cave wherein they camped for some time. There were people who had already settled on these mountains, and, who later, discovered this lost children.

After discovering the children the natives brought them home. It was among the locals that the two brought up and got married.

Surprising indeed, according to the story, the name of the boy was “Isa” and the girl’s name was “Aisa” (‘Aiysha). Isa is said to have built a base for worship and according to the locals, at dawn he would get up and go to this base for prayer.

It seems that some contemporaries of Isa must have converted and practiced Islam in the early period; however, with time, later generations lost this faith totally. The similarities between Islam and Small Mala’ita custom (way of life) gives no surprise. Furthermore, in Mala’ita Province, there are places called, Maka (Makkah), Tauba (repentance), Taqwa (righteousness), etc. These are but Arabic names and are used as original name of these places. The question now is, who gave these names to those places?

It was not until 1995, when the Sunni Muslims (Muslim World League) first entered the country, that Islam was established in Small Mala’ita and the first center (Mosque) was built at Karu’u village, South Mala’ita, by Taysir Alphonso. From 1995 onwards visitors from overseas would come to Solomon and pay visit to Mala’ita Province. It was during this period that a man from the tribe of Karenipuri, by the name of Michael Peter Horahanua, had accepted Islam and was given the Muslim name Al–Kindi.


(Michael Peter Horahanua returned to Ārai land in mid–1991).

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